Beyond The Helpline Restoring the Crown of Dignity image

Beyond The Helpline Restoring the Crown of Dignity

• Ending the circle of trauma created by poverty, abuse and homelessness by opening the door to mental health

$13,846 raised

$50,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

How do you answer the call for help? The first week of October is Mental Health awareness month. Please support Beyond The Helpline Campaign which provides counseling for our moms, dads and children to help them restore their crown of dignity and self worth. Please help our families BEYOND the Abuse and BEYOND the system to healthy, stable housing.

Trauma and its impact affect the ability to create a stable living environment for parents and their children. The vicious cycle between homelessness and trauma drives more trauma and creates the next generation of homelessness. BeyondHome’s Self-Sufficiency Program addresses the mental health needs of our families. Achieving good mental health ends the circle of trauma created by poverty, abuse and homelessness. Mental Health is also important when building healthy relationships for generations to come. BeyondHome meets the mental health needs of families who are stuck in the cycle of poverty to find a path towards healing and hope.

Answer a call for help! Donate today and help families get the mental health support they need. BeyondHome is more than transitional housing, it is transformational. Last year, BeyondHome was able to provide 41 individuals with counseling services. That is 571 sessions of counseling costing more than $50,000. Without the support of our benefactors like you, BeyondHome would not be able to support our families with critical life-changing counseling. Thank you for being a part of a community that makes a difference for those struggling with issues of mental health.

  • $25 –1 session of personalized case management
  • $85 - 1 individual counseling session
  • $180 – 1 session of Family Group Counseling
  • $1,333 –Average cost of counseling per person